Easter Basket Ideas

Often times I’ve found that I fill my boys Easter baskets with junk that just gets thrown away or used once.  Therefore, I’ve searched high and low for Easter basket items that will actually be useful. I especially wanted to include toys, crafts and games that would occupy our littles during these trying times.   In addition, I wanted to find items that could be shipped pretty quickly since browsing the aisles of Target is no longer an option.  Below you will  find a bunch of items that are great for children 0-11 and another for kids 12 and up.  I also included some affordable Easter baskets.  For teens, a fun idea is to put Easter items in a baseball cap.  For teen girls, the cute carts from Michaels are deeply discounted and would be a great way to display their Easter items.  

Easter Basket Ideas for Children
(Babies to 11)

Easter Basket Ideas
Ages 12 and Up


Above you can shop the entire post easily. I hope these ideas are helpful to make this Easter great. If you end up grabbing any of these ideas for your Easter baskets, I’d love for you to share and tag me on Instagram @fabulousinfirst

Picture of Michelle Oakes

Michelle Oakes

Wife, mom of 2 boys and a bulldog, reading specialist, Target frequenting lover of fashion, home decorating, Cincinnati girl.

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