You Emailed…I Blogged.

So, you all are so kind in all of your emails. I’ve gotten lots of questions about lots of different things and I’ve tried to answer them all. If I didn’t get back to you, please don’t hate. I’m SO SORRY and please email me again.  This week has been all kinds of crazy and no one was deleted on purpose. We have a new puppy, a four year old boy who is VERY INDEPENDENT and a nearly 2 year old WILD man. Believe me, that combination can be chaos. Like a puppy chewing a banister in a fairly newly built home, a four year old giving his brother a highlighter to write on our table and couch, and a computer that totally didn’t like me last night! 
So I’m going to try to answer some of the questions I received in this post.  
No…you do not have to look at another video of me. In addition, I’ll post pictures and type. 🙂 

(function() { var scribd = document.createElement(“script”); scribd.type = “text/javascript”; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ““; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })();

Many of you have asked where I purchased the frames I use in my documents. Some are from the DJ Inkers Kidoodles Early Years CD. It’s super cute by the way! 
But most were from this sweet police officer who scraps! You know how I love police officers. So of course I was happy to abide by her terms of use. She offers all of images free, unless you are using them commercially. Then she asks that you pay a one time fee, either per collection or an unlimited fee. Which is super cheap by the way! Her site is in blog form, so you either have to use her labels to help you navigate or page through, but it’s totally worth it for the cost. Oh… and I already emailed her and asked if Teachers pay Teachers and Teachers Notebook are alright for her terms of use. She loved what we make and sell and said it was more than fine. Click below to go!
Speaking of fonts and graphics! Did you all see that Lettering Delights has a teacher set for sale for just 24 dollars? It’s UH-MAZING!
Furthermore, click below to go straight to the store!
9 Free Fonts
Okay…and then did you see this adorable Seuss set at Scrappin’ Doodles. You better bet you’ll be seeing something Suessical made here with this cute set! 
In addition, they had some super cute, new sets! And…if you didn’t already know. The coupon code is always the month and the year! Now it would be AUGUST2011
Click Below to Go!
I also had some questions about the GO Book and it’s use in my classroom. In addition, we use chair pockets in our classroom. They keep their GO Books in there. They learn very early how to use the books. So, in the morning the students check their books for papers to turn in, notes from their parents, etc. Throughout the day as we finish things that need to go home, they quickly get out their Go Book and put it away. No need for movement to mailboxes, etc. So they do this seamlessly and quietly after lots of practice in the first few weeks.  At the end of the day I pass out other papers that may need to go home. I always tell them, turn to pocket 1: These papers go in pocket 1, Then turn to pocket 2, 3 etc.  They then turn to their star charts last so I can sign how their day went.  
Is that clear as mud? See why I got in front of a camera with a disastrous hairdo and baby voice! 
Besides, I have extended my sale in Teachers Notebook for one more day.  I was sort of delayed in getting my sight word pack posted, so if you still want it at a discount, head over there for 30% OFF

I think that’s all folks. Happy Teaching!
Picture of Michelle Oakes

Michelle Oakes

Wife, mom of 2 boys and a bulldog, reading specialist, Target frequenting lover of fashion, home decorating, Cincinnati girl.

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7 thoughts on “You Emailed…I Blogged.”

  1. Thank you for sharing!! I should probably duck as I say this but would you believe I have never been to any of those font/clipart pages you mentioned? Question about the money- do you ever have an issue with wondering what the money is for? I tried that system but we also asked parents to put money in an envelope or baggie labeled so we know. (We are still working on that)

    Primary Connections

  2. First of all, I thought your voice was the PERFECT teaching voice. It was so calm and sweet! And second of all….I'm loving everything clipart right now….shhhh- don't tell my hubby!


  3. Seriously Rachelle! I totally spent way too much! I also spent 200 dollars on buckets at JoAnn's. He doesn't know about that either. 🙂

    Beth-I send home a info sheet before school begins and it includes a message, that says any money not for lunch must be sent in an envelope marked with what the money is for.

  4. Omigosh! I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one that spends W-A-Y too much at JoAnns, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Target…{is it bad that the cashiers know me by name because they have seen my debit card so often?!? YIKES!} I also LOVE that Seuss set-made a super cute word family unit with it!
    First Grade Fever

  5. Thanks for sharing it for 2nd grade! Have you made your trip to C2C yet? I made my first trip today – I am lucky enough to work at a school that is on the list. let me just say that the entire back of my Equinox was CRAMMED with goodies! They had so much good stuff!


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