Just a Little FYI

Hey All,
   Do you all love Lettering Delights? I sure do! Mrs. Deanna Jump (my teacher idol), uses their alphabets and some of their graphics and daggone it, she’s got me hooked! 
(Side note: Did you see her adorable news interview? How sweet is she?) 
  Anyway…on to the point of this post.  I email  bug Deanna when I have questions, because I {heart} her and she’s so seller savvy.  If you want to use Lettering Delights alphabets and graphics for things you sell, you must purchase the commercial version.  My question for Deanna was, “what if you can’t find the commercial version of something you’d like to use?” And in a matter of minutes she was pointing me in the right direction. So…if you want something you can’t find, this is what you do:

If you wish to request a commercial license for their products please send an email to…
[email protected]

Please include the following…

Product Name:

Product Type: alphabet, font, clipart

Use: logo, unit, kit, embroidery

It’s as easy as that. They will email you back and let you know that the item you want is now available in the store.  The commercial graphics are 12.95, so choose something you’ll really love and can use in multiple items.  
Happy Creating and Teaching!

If you want to check out Lettering Delights click on my button on the left hand side of this blog.  

PS. Every time you purchase, you receive a 25% off discount code.  If you don’t have one yet… go to www.retailmenot.com and type in letteringdelights.com. You can get one there.  

Picture of Michelle Oakes

Michelle Oakes

Wife, mom of 2 boys and a bulldog, reading specialist, Target frequenting lover of fashion, home decorating, Cincinnati girl.

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4 thoughts on “Just a Little FYI”

  1. Thanks for sharing. I just started a blog last week and it is still new for me. I never heard of lettering delights before and after reading your post, I spent about $10 there! thanks for all of your sharing!

  2. Hi Michelle,
    I love your blog! It is fantastic!
    What if you just want to make things to share on a blog for free? Do you know if that is allowed? I have a blog and I don't sell anything but I have used their clip art to make centers that I post on my blog. Is that okay?
    Gosh, I hope so!
    Thanks so much for the inspiration!
    Kerri B


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