Reading Week

Do you celebrate Read Across America? We have always celebrated with Seuss filled activities. This year we’re doing something totally different and all of our teachers are really excited about the change. This year we will be taking the name literally and read across our great states.  
We celebrate for the entire week with theme filled days that include dressing up, reading with buddies, prize drawings and author presentations.  You can see our new days below.  
A few teachers and I also compiled a list of book suggestions for each day. 
In addition to these theme days, we’ll also be having the kiddos guess the number of “bookworms” or gummy worms in the jar.  The student with the closest guess in K-2 and 3-5 will win a book basket.  In addition our kids caught reading at times when reading isn’t expected, will be “caught reading”.  The teachers submit names to me and I choose a name randomly. The next morning, that student is called over announcements to come down and receive a $10 dollar gift card to Barnes and Nobel.  
After sharing this new theme for our reading week on IG, I had lots of requests for these documents. Below I am attaching an editable form of the parent letter and copies of what I’ve sent to our teachers.  Click the image below for the documents. 
Another great celebration going on this coming week is 
This beautiful button was made by the talented Lyndsey Kuster and you can see all of the slides and book suggestions on the adorable Tutu’s Teacher’s instagram account right now.  
Happy Reading Friends! 
Picture of Michelle Oakes

Michelle Oakes

Wife, mom of 2 boys and a bulldog, reading specialist, Target frequenting lover of fashion, home decorating, Cincinnati girl.

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