St. Patrick’s Day Activities

I thought I’d share a little of what we did last week. We had some fun with St. Patty’s Day shenanigans.  Last week we read, Green Shamrocks by Eve Bunting. It’s a cute little book and great for teaching all kinds of common core skills. 
On Monday my kiddos made predictions about what happened to Rabbit’s shamrocks. Also, most of them predicted a leprechaun stole them.  Their ideas were adorable. 
The next day we worked on sequencing.  I made several sheets so my kiddos could be broken up into groups for differentiation.  Some kids just put the events in order, other’s had to write about them and some came up with the ideas all on their own.  
These are some other activities I created, but we didn’t get a chance to use. 
On Wednesday, we talked about “Cause and Effect”. I gave each kiddo a cause or effect card and they had to find their partner.  We shared the cause and effect and then my students worked together to fill out the cause and effects from the story.
On Thursday, we worked on Point of View. In first grade the point of view standard focuses on who is telling the story.  With this lesson we talked about the character’s and narrator’s jobs in the story. We also talked about quotation marks and dialogue.  After sorting the cards from the story, my student chose a book on their reading level to work on the Who’s Talking worksheet. They had to find dialogue from the character and text when the narrator is telling the story.  
On Friday, we worked on shades of meaning.  First my kiddos partner read the book.   Then, we sorted the word cards below and then my kids worked in groups to put the words in order from least to most intense.  Every table got them correct! I was so proud and my kiddos loved this lesson. 
This week we also did a fun little “Skittle’s Science” experiment.  It’s a fun way to teach how scientist observe.  
We also had a visit from a leprechaun and a hunt for our pot of gold (otherwise known as twix and rolos).  
At home we had some St. Patty’s Day fun as well. 
Here’s Drew’s mostly green lunch and a few pictures of the leprechaun’s visit to our house.
 And a picture of Leprechaun Landon.
I’m working on some rascally rabbit fun for the classroom, as well as shared reading unit on pirates!
I hope you have a great week!
Michelle Oakes

Michelle Oakes

Wife, mom of 2 boys and a bulldog, reading specialist, Target frequenting lover of fashion, home decorating, Cincinnati girl.

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