First, I can’t believe how much I have to fit into these next 3 weeks. I seriously don’t know if I can find the time for all the fun, but I do love all the activities I have planned. This week we are doing my elf unit called Santa’s Helpers and using a few fun ideas from blogging friends, as well. I thought I’d share what we’ve been doing the past couple of days.
Yesterday we began our elf unit by watching the movie Elf on the Shelf. I love that movie so much. I’m such a 5 year old, sometimes. Next we wrote letters to Santa asking for our very own classroom elf. These ideas are from KinderCraze. Maria has a cute little freebie. Santa sent us this pretty package along with the elf my kiddos later named Jingle.
When we received the package we opened the box and immediately read a note from Santa, as well as the book. After finishing the book we discussed the important details from the story. This also helps us to better understand how our elf works.
(Please excuse the sloppy, last minute charts.)
This was literally a what can do since we still have time lesson.
After reading our Elf on the Shelf book, we read our Shared Reading book for the week, The Littlest Elf. Since my kiddos had just had practice with details, I sent them off with their reading journals to record details from the story on their own. After about 10 minutes, we came back as a group and shared the details they recorded. 
In the afternoons we work on our Holiday Express unit. I’ve tried out many new units and always come back to my little unit I made years ago with my sweet friend Terry. We always create pocket books for our kids to put their information in for each country, as well souvenirs they make along the way. When we introduce a country, we find it on the world map, color a map of the country, color the country’s flag, read a book about the holidays and then record new learning. Today we learned about Sweden. Tomorrow we’ll discuss St. Lucia further and make a crown of candles and Star Boy hats. We’ll also eat some yummy cinnamon rolls.
I’ll post more pictures from this week soon, as well as a sneak peek at next week when we do my newest unit
Are you all taking advantage of the TpT sale. I keep feeling as if I need to go back and snatch some more up before it ends. Here is what I bought. In addition to some of my products that are on sale. You can link up too at Blog Hoppin’!