B-E-A-T spells beat!

I’m seriously surprised that I even have the energy to spell you all. How does two weeks off do that to a person? Two weeks of getting up at 7 am. really made 4:45 seem beyond impossible.  Then I got in my car and slid the whole way to school because the roads were ICE! Probably because no one but me was on the road! But the trusty Tahoe got me there safely and I was back at it, ready or not! 

I must say my kiddos were super sleepy, but getting back into our old routine after all the Christmas craziness before break, was nice.  They did great! Me on the other hand…questionable.  I’m hoping to get my groove and energy back because today was exhausting! 

Today we started our new winter centers. We eased into it and started with some simpler tasks. They did great and I think they were really happy that first grade life was back to normal.  
The noun and verb center was perfect because we created a little verb book with the Snowy Day right before centers today. You can check out the activity in this post.

I’m pretty excited for tomorrow because I’ll be finishing my bulletin board I just posted. And I’m going to take this picture below to go with the prompts.  
So that about sums it all up for my first day back.  

 PS. Don’t judge. We started a Biggest Loser Challenge at school and I just ran 3 miles before this photo, so if I look like a debacle there’s a little bit of an excuse tonight.  

Picture of Michelle Oakes

Michelle Oakes

Wife, mom of 2 boys and a bulldog, reading specialist, Target frequenting lover of fashion, home decorating, Cincinnati girl.

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15 thoughts on “B-E-A-T spells beat!”

  1. Um…if you look that cute after waking up at 4:45 (!!!!), teaching all day, blogging with photos and then going for a run, you are a super model! 🙂 Thanks for your great blogs!

  2. I went back to school today as well, and I'm pretty sure we are in the area (SW Ohio) and I slipped and slided too. Our attendance was horrible today, one of my coworkers only had 8 kids here today.

    I can't wait to see your bulletin board come together!

  3. Our first day back was Monday too and I was so exhausted. Luckily, we have a 2 hour delay today 🙂 Thank you snow! I love the carrot nose, by the way!


  4. Hi Michelle,

    We loved your number order center and featured it at our blog, Kindergarten Lesson Plans!

    You can find the full feature/article here:

    We were sure to give idea/photo credit, as well as a link back to your blog {and TpT site!}, but we'd love for you to take a look at it. If there are any problems, we'll be certain to take the feature down immediately!

    Thanks so much!

  5. Thanks girls! I have to get up super early because I have to get myself and both of my boys ready. My hubby is gone in the mornings. I have to be at my mom's which is 20 minutes away by 6:30 and then it's another 20 minutes to school. I'm usually there by 6:50-7. Plus, this body needs a shower in the morning and this face does not go without makeup! 😉

    Kayla- Thanks so much for featuring my center!! I really appreciate it.

  6. Hi there, Kristen!

    My name is Laura and I run the new collective blog called InspiredTeacher.net. We are working to give encouragement and inspiration to teachers. I stumbled on your teaching blog today and loved all your practical ideas! And laughed at some of your recent posts– how fun.

    I just wanted to connect with you via webworld and let you know about a new thing we are doing our way called Teaching Tip Tuesday where people can link up a past post they've written giving a practical teaching tip! This post would work great! We are giving away some sweet stuff over there for it, and would love to have you involved if you have a sec!

    Thanks, Michelle, and I look forward to connecting with you again! The link is: http://www.inspiredteacher.net/2012/01/teaching-tips-tuesdays/

    Our plan is to run it every Tuesday, if you'd like to jump in! Have a great day! ps– just liked you on fb, too! 🙂

    Laura Parker


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