Pumpkins and a Party!

Hey y’all! So sorry I’ve been MIA but I’ve been up to my eyeballs in pumpkins and then I spent the weekend throwing a little party and visiting with my very best blog friends.  So I’ll rewind a bit and start at the beginning.
We began last week by reading Pumpkin, Pumpkin. We also read the book Growing Pumpkins.  Both describe the pumpkin lifecycle.  After reading the books I checked for understanding by having my kiddos create a pumpkin using the pumpkin lifecycle cards. Here’s one of our pumpkins.  Also, the pumpkins have a little pocket to hold the lifecycle for later.
 The next day we decided to use all of our senses to explore pumpkins. All of my little people brought a pumpkin, but we opened my pumpkin.  When we were finished exploring both the inside and outside, my students drew their observations.
 In addition you can find the pumpkin observation paper in this post.
 On Friday my student’s fourth grade buddies came by and we did Cara’s, The Great Pumpkin Investigation.  My students and their buddies, loved this activity.  It really was so much fun to watch students working hard to investigate their pumpkin.
 The never thought in a million years it would float.
 Measuring Pumpkins!
Now, as soon as this activity was over, I quickly cleaned, grabbed my bags and ran out of my building to meet this girl!
Chicago is approximately 5 hours from our home and I think about 2.5 minutes might have gone by in silence.  Chatty McChatty Pants meets Babbling Abby = Sore Throats.  No lie.  Love that girl!
We got there and met some of the sweetest darn friends two girls could ever ask for.
(The bald, boy toy next to me is not a blogger, but he’s quite a photographer and fan.)
Here is a list of friends that met for a weekend of celebrating and shopping.
To check out these girls amazing blogs click below:
Cheryl from Primary Graffiti
Rachelle from What the Teacher Wants
Kim Adsit from The Kinder Gals
Lindsey from the Teacher Wife
Kathleen from Growing Kinders
Michelle from Fabulous in First
Deanna from Mrs. Jump’s Class
Amanda from One Extra Degree
Here’s another one. Love it! 
I can honestly say that their friendships are one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever known.
Thank goodness for blogging.
When I got back, it was a sad situation. My little guy was sick.  So after two days home, taking care of a little boy with a bad belly, I returned to school today.  I wish I had more pictures, but it’s been a crazy week. Today we did have our annual Pumpkin Party.  We always read the book Too Many Pumpkins. Then we try tons of food made of pumpkin. My generous parents sent in so many pumpkin treats. We had everything from pumpkin juice to pumpkin ice cream.
This little friend gave it a thumbs up!
Picture of Michelle Oakes

Michelle Oakes

Wife, mom of 2 boys and a bulldog, reading specialist, Target frequenting lover of fashion, home decorating, Cincinnati girl.

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7 thoughts on “Pumpkins and a Party!”

  1. Hi!
    My name is Joana, I am 24 years old and I am from Portugal (next to Spain).
    I am a primary school teacher in a private college and this is my third year of teaching. Since last year I discovered many blogs like yours through “Pinterest”.
    I implemented some of your ideas and I am fascinated by your creativity, cooperation in classroom, independence and autonomy that you give to the children.
    I’d tried to do many things similar to yours but they were not always well accepted by my director and coordinator, because innovation makes a difference, and in making a difference insecurity is more than often created!
    I wonder if there’s any possibility to do an internship in your school, to learn and see, in practice, what I visualize in your blogs.
    I’d love to get an international experience for about one or two years in your country.
    My partner, Tiago, is also a teacher. He teaches English to Kindergarten and primary school children. He wanted to go to China but for me, it’s too far, and then there is the difference in the culture and language which would cause other types of adaption, which I feel would impede my spontaneity. He would love to learn new approaches and different strategies in his field.
    My e-mail is: [email protected], and I trust that you will be able to assist me in improving my educational skills. If it is necessary to give my contact to another person, please feel free to do so.
    With my best regards,
    Joana Fernandes


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